International Women’s Day 2022

Just a short one for once … Today is 8 March, Women’s Day. And this has to be marked in some way.

Last year on this date I gave you a post featuring various more or less gigantic female statues.

One of them was the humongous titanium-clad Rodina Mat (aka Motherland Monument) in Kyiv, featured in the photo above. The statue is a staggering 62m tall (with the sword), combined with the plinth she towers over the city at a height of over a 100m.

The photo was taken when I was in the city prior to my second Chernobyl trip in May 2015. Also on that occasion I took a photo whose composition now seems strikingly evocative:

Rodina Mat against big guns

This was of course only a play with perspective. The WWII-era guns in the foreground were of a perfectly regular size and formed part of the larger war memorial complex around the giant statue. But from this perspective she looks a) small, and b) threatened.

Suddenly that has taken on a fitting symbolism for the current situation in Putin’s war against Ukraine … and I wonder if this Rodina Mat will actually be physically threatened at some point as this nasty conflict drags on …


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Return to Highgate

When I was in London for a few days at the beginning of the year, I finally managed to make a return visit to Highgate Cemetery – one of the world’s most celebrated dark-tourism attractions in that category (cemeteries). I had first seen it in the first half of the 1980s not long after the Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust had made the overgrown Western section accessible to the public on guided tours (while the Eastern section remained freely accessible then). The tour I went on left a lasting visual impression on me. So I had long wanted to go back,

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A Day in Stockholm

Last weekend I was in Sweden’s capital city, tagging on to a group of friends and colleagues of my wife’s, most of whom were primarily interested in sauna-ing and cold-water swimming as well as some mainstream sightseeing. I instead used the Saturday for doing my own thing – and filling a few DT-related gaps. I had been to Stockholm once before, but that was nearly 20 years ago, long before I started

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Dark Tourism & Beds

This is the theme that in the latest theme poll came second in the vote, and, as indicated in the winning theme’s post, I’ll now bring you the runner-up without a new poll.

Here’s a photo of one of the most gruesome places involving beds, namely a bed frame in a torture room of the infamous Tuol Sleng (aka S-21) prison in Phnom Penh in Cambodia. It was on beds like this that the decaying and ghastly mutilated bodies of the final victims of the Khmer Rouge were found by the liberators (the

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